Ke Xuen's Weblog

Saturday, March 14, 2009


The camp was not as i expected, as we were grouped with 1I1. At first, i hoped that it would be helpful as the isparks were known to be clever. But, i found out that they were not very wise. Clever, but not smart.They made a bad statement: those who are short or fat cannot play. So?what happened?their friends rebelled against them(which included me!!tee hee!). and in the end, it was me and marcus who really helped them a lot ( with the knots and all the stuff like outddor cooking), so, as i said, it was not what i anticipated the camp to be that fun. And, what gave me the moost bad experience? The first lunch. we had to cheer so much. Had we known, that the food waas going to come so late, everyone could just have rested instead of cheering their lungs out thinking that the food was there and they just had to cheer enough to get their food. based on all the 7 camps i have gone to, the campfire was way too small and not that entertaining. Although i agree that it was creative to make a spark and then let it grow to a fire, but the fire was too small and i thinkl it should be called a flame. A campfire should be one that shares all the memories we gone through all those days, thus if a campfire was so small, would'nt it be shameful and maningless? Other people out there, PLEASE share your comments with me.
posted by tan ke xuen at 7:46 PM


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